The Goldenrod Chronicles, Just Keep Swimming
While the world is burning?
The ‘while the world is burning’ part was thrown in at the last minute. I’ve spent a good chunk of time today tracking the wildfires in the LA area. The Eaton fire is basically where I grew up. Friends, and parents of friends, I went to high school with were evacuated throughout the day. Some good friends live fairly close to the Hurst fire, prepared to evacuate at any moment.
Meanwhile, I am sitting here in the ten degree Wisconsin weather. The only fire nearby very well contained in the wood burning stove. Trying to write. Trying to make myself write. Trying to practice writing?
There is so much going on in the big world. So much going on in my little head. And none of it manages to end up on the page. On any page.
Anyone else feeling stuck?
And l like actively unable to do…the things they want? (It’s not everything, it’s literally just writing. And not even thinking about writing and what to write about, it’s the putting it on the page part.)
At some point in the last few days just keep swimming entered my head. I haven’t even seen Finding Nemo all the way through. I don’t really even like Ellen. But someone I’m trying to convince myself to even try to start writing via the words of a colorful, animated fish. A lost animated fish at that.
Here are some things I want to write about this month and year:
Remember 2021, 2022, and 2023 when each year was framed by some pretty awesome monthly themes? (Verbs & Nouns, Word play around Make & Time) WELL - It’s back!
For 2025 (AHHHH HOW IS IT 2025) we’re back to common phrases that include the word MAKE. Of course, this is inspired by the idea of MAKE TIME…and of course the theme for January will be make time, but I’d LOVE to know your ideas for other common terms or phrases with the word make. (Drop them in the comments, and then I’ll share my list). I’m really excited about this because it feels grounded again. And it feels like it gives me the right type of prompt and energy for themes and prompts and ideas each month.
Plus MAKE is such a great action verb…and I feel like we’re gonna need…a lot of action this year.
Okay, honestly I have a list, but it’s not near me right now and I just don’t feel like getting up.
What have I done instead of writing over the last three days?
Excessive googling and research about the right product to use on my new stair treads (6 hours) followed by ordering the right products (4 minutes).
Sending AK three Marco Polo’s in a row (accidentally three)
Actually putting dinner away and starting the dish washer (apparently easier than writing)
Three episodes of SVU tonight (on USA)
What did we do before IMDB? How did we know where we have seen all these people on SVU before?
Finally taking my pills after snoozing my alarm for 2 hours
Researching HOW to install my new stair treads (like 6 hours this weekend)
Eating too much Trader Joe’s Crunchy Chili Onion.
Been distracted even while writing this list.
Pondered whether I need to abandon all social media.
I miss Barba.
Okay, that’s it. We did the swimming (actually, we did some of that too) and we did the writing. Can we keep doing the writing? And can we do it with no burning?
Drop me a list, any kind of list,
✏️📃 vanessa
Not the same encouragement as the Nemo reference, but its own flurry of philosophy and inspiration nonetheless:
My list: make love not war, make amends, make whoopee, make it rain, make lemonade out of lemons (that seems slightly uncommon), make the best of it, make plans, make out! make up, make merry? make peace, make light of, make your bed, make nice, make like a tree and leaf!
The fires are so devastating. I forgot or didn’t remember that’s where you were from. Everything seems so fragile and terrifying right now 💜 I hope all of your people are safe and okay.