Hi & Hello 👋

Welcome to The Goldenrod Chronicles. The tagline doesn’t lie: I’m Vanessa and I started this newsletter in 2015 as a bunch of non-proofread rough drafts. Eight years later and we’re still going strong (typos and all).

Rough drafts of what - you might ask? Notes about being a person in a body. What it takes to cultivate a creative practice. Process > product. Observations on the natural world out here in rural Wisconsin. A Week of Questions, homework assignments, sketches for upcoming projects. Just me trying to figure out how to be human in this world. A very wordy, recovering perfectionist human in the world - doesn’t that sound fun?

Join the community →

Also true, this little newsletter is also a community. A place where questions, creative prompts, and stories are offered up to you. AND I really want to hear what you have to say and engage in dialog. What does it all look like? All free subscribers get access to:

✏️ The Goldenrod Chronicles | 2,123 rough drafts about being a creative human in a body. Practice > product, recovering imperfectionism, typos, nonsense & magic.

📅 Monthly Make Time Memo | Monthly notes on making time in lieu of our in-person Make Time days.

Gems | Quick little notes highlighting one, sparkling thing boosting my creative vibes, meeting our monthly theme, or that I want really just want to share with you.

Folks who join up as paid members to 🏕️ | Make Time Farm Camp also get:

📬 Snail Mail Love Club | simply something in the mail each month including postcards, stickers, super-fun creative prompts, and MORE! (U.S. & Canada Only)

📝 The 2023 Time Calendar | Yup.

🏷️ Monthly themed essays | Super fun, thematic, and very interactive monthly themes to making time and supporting a creative practice.

📻 Monthly Play+List | Exactly what it sounds like.

Want some ideas about what it’s like around here? Try out these reader favorites. Best part is - you can unsubscribe any time and I promise it won’t hurt my feelings.

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1,941 rough drafts.


Lead chaos wrangler at Make Time Farm, recovering perfectionist, typist of typos & maker of many messes.